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Badass/Intense Npc clothing/armor Overhaul mods?


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Looking for a mod that overhauls armors that gives npc a more tougher or grandeur looking armor/clothing. Like, I wouldnt want to be the only one in skyrim that has a mega superior badass looking clothing set. This makes me feel really non immersive that I am fighting bandits or whatever with a godly invincible armor while they only have a fur armor.


Any mods that make npc have glorious badass clothing too?

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1. black sacrament dark brotherhood replacer (only affects the dark brohood though, as indicated by the very name of the mod xD)


2. Equipment Of Eternal Shine (replacer) this will make any enemy that uses elven gear look badass (especially thalmor, since they primarily wear elven gear and use elven weaponry)


3. Dark Nemesis (replacer) same as the above but for ebony gear (honestly both of the mods are fantastic retextures, and look incredibly badass)


4. and of course Immersive Armours (this will assign new custom high quality armor to every npc in the game) this mod should go without saying. such a huge mod with loads of cool gear.



all i can think of atm

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