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Armor that swaps head parts (eyes)


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I'm trying to make a piece of armor that changes the eyes. I'm playing a synth and using a mod with a number of custom synth eyes, thought it would be cool to easily switch to an alternate eye color.


Each color has its own mesh, so the ArmorAddon's pointing to the alternate eye color's mesh. The Skin Texture drop-down is pointing to the alternate color's TextureSet. The Skin Texture Swap List drop-down is pointing to a new form I made that points to the alternate color's HeadPart.


I'm using slot 47 and I've tried some of the others. I notice if I set it to slot 32, it actually works but the rest of my character's head is invisible. ;P


I'm not sure if it'll be better to try making it equip a new mesh of the eyes, or just swap the materials/textures. I think I've tried every possible combination but I can't get either method to work.


Thanks in advance for any help!


Edit: Can't figure it out, so I'm starting to think it could only be done with a script attached to the armor, or even just a console command? I can see the HeadPart listed but I don't know of any command to apply it.

Edited by Dupre232
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You're welcome. Not sure how else the head part can be changed in game. If you (anyone) wind(s) up scripting, check out this code from Steve40 that shakes the camera and changes all head parts to a Skyrim demon. There's also an array of head parts further in the thread, with eyes being part [2]: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/780130-skin-changes-by-script/page-3
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Thanks again Thorald. That's an interesting thread, I had no idea this was such a tricky task.


Maybe I'll try to Frankenstein a script together from their findings. They were attempting a lot more than just swapping eyes, so maybe the script I need could be simple. I'll post back if I have any luck. :)

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