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2k textures


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I don't think there is a set to have everything be 2k textures. Unless you mean the Bethesda HD DLC paired with another high resolution mod set but I wouldn't recommend it. Is your intention to focus on improving your game's visuals or is it to optimize and get better performance.


Based on your specs I would suggest this:

PhyOp - Overhauled Optimized Textures https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27038/?


I think this would be extremely useful since it should reduce VRAM demands for the 970. If you have an SSD I think installing the game on that would also reduce the burden on the 970 and the i7-870.



There's also that mesh optimization mod that reduce polygon counts for lot of objects like random junk objects, chairs, tables. I can't remember what it is called but I would recommend installing it as I would imagine that would be helpful.


I also suggest this:

Fallout 4 Performance Optimization


Edited by fftfan
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