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Creating new workshop "job" type?

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In the workshop system, settlers seek out specific furniture depending on their "job". People that are unassigned will go to furniture with the relaxation keyword, guards go to other guard posts, and farmers farm other farmables.


Is it possible to create a new type of work object, that an assigned settler will sandbox to like the other jobs? And if so, how? Some sorta keyword buggery?


Edit: Think I figured this out. You have to add a package to the workshop quest alias that handles NPCs. Simple enough.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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if the job is similar to something all ready being used simply copy and rename it then reverse engineer that job and make the according changes like models, access points,animation etc... Add/remove keywords and so on..

Note : its obvious that the job has to be linked to the workshop for settlers to use/be assigned to it. (workshopitemkeyword)


lol edit:


I didnt notice who asked the question and what exactly was being asked till i re-read it...


Forgive me... :P

Edited by greekrage
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