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Searching for mod, need help


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Hi, everyone. Sorry if is not the area to post this.


I`m playing a female dd rogue with a rebel roleplay, with tatoos and everything.

Searching... about... 2-3 hours and nothing.

Looking for a light armor that doesnt cover too much, but dont want to see only panties, like every skimpy armor.

In a scale 1-10... i need 7.

1=lore friendly 10= nude


I`m using CBBE.

Want something like in the Picture. Just the shape. Not the green and everything.

Want to see especially the back, if possible, to watch the beautiful tattos.




Ty for the read n sorry for my english. Not my native language n never made a course.


Edit: Something like this (without the helmet, haha) would be perfect.




Edited by Wykhttor
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Well, there are a crap-ton of revealing mods out there, but I like this one. It comes piece-meal, meaning you can use as little or as much of it as you want.



2 much color for what I`m looking for, but already downloaded for my paladin. Thanks =)

Edited by Wykhttor
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Well, there are a crap-ton of revealing mods out there, but I like this one. It comes piece-meal, meaning you can use as little or as much of it as you want.





Well... it actualy worked. lol

But i changed my light armor perks to heavy armor. *entering stealth hard mode.*

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