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Q's re: beth launcher/ getting updated CK


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I downloaded the Bethnet launcher and the CK last January but never did anything with it. I'd now like to do some dabbling but, with all the various updates, figured the CK has probably been updated too. (My creationkit.exe shows version 1.8.10). I ran the launcher, figuring it would take me to the latest CK download but the launcher never loads (that square in the middle just rotates endlessly). Ran the "bethnetupdater.exe" and got the same thing. So, I dunno, maybe the launcher has been updated too? Should I uninstall my launcher and CK and do both over again? Am I missing something as to how to get the latest CK?


Maybe I don't even need the new CK? All I wanna do is try packing up some loose file mods into ba2 files.


Signed, your neighborhood noob

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The launcher is more bug ridden than their games. I actually had to uninstall the launcher, then redownload and reinstall the "latest version" which then proceeded to update to a newer version. Seems that they can't be bothered to keep their installer updated even. Then I could login and attempt to download the CK.


If all you want to do is pack stuff, you can manually do it using the Archive2 tool. Just beware of the naming scheme for FO4.

  • ModName.esp
  • ModName - Main.ba2
  • ModName - Textures.ba2
Edited by BigAndFlabby
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Thanks for the replies.


I read a bit on the Archive 2 tool and take it that I should create a texture ba2, optimized for textures, to contain the mod's texture files, create the main ba2 to contain the other files (meshes/audio etc). Then I'll name each of them the same as the mod's .esp (separated by space dash space). Seems easy enough (the most famous of last words, I guess).


There's also some loose file high rez retextures that I might try this out on, but I guess in that case I won't be able to avoid the CK 'cuz I'll have to make a dummy esp.

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  On 10/3/2017 at 1:24 AM, kevkiev said:

Thanks for the replies.


I read a bit on the Archive 2 tool and take it that I should create a texture ba2, optimized for textures, to contain the mod's texture files, create the main ba2 to contain the other files (meshes/audio etc). Then I'll name each of them the same as the mod's .esp (separated by space dash space). Seems easy enough (the most famous of last words, I guess).


There's also some loose file high rez retextures that I might try this out on, but I guess in that case I won't be able to avoid the CK 'cuz I'll have to make a dummy esp.


Making the dummy esp can safely be done with the older version. Just open it with no esp loaded and hit save. Give it a name and hit ok. You'll get a file that's like 68 bytes or something. In fact with the new ESL system it might be preferred to use an ESL file for packed files only so that you don't eat a mod slot in the load order. Depends on what kind of overwrite ordering you may need for the packed files.

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