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Finding the ID of a new weapon


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Either way, you have to add your custom weapon to the game by way of an ESP file. Where the ESP is located in your load order determines it's "mod index" (in hex). That mod index is the first two (of 8 ) characters of your Base-ID as it is represented in the "Objects" window of GECK under "Weapons". That is the FormID you need to use with a "player.additem" console command.


If you drag that record into the "Render Window" and drop into the game world, you create an in-game object with a Ref-ID. You can't use "additem" with a Ref-ID, but you can pick that object up (which adds it to your inventory with the Base-ID).


Please see the 'GECK Form-ID, Base-ID, Ref-ID, and Editor-ID' section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.


Edited by dubiousintent
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If you're using NVSE you can also search for the item in the console if you know what in game name you gave the weapon. If it's still just named 'Hunting Rifle' it'll be the one with a base id that starts with something other than '00'.

Edited by SGTbayk47
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