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At my wit's end! Need help


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So this is super basic but for some reason none of the tutorials have what I need and I cannot seem to figure it out on my own so I hope someone has the patience to reply to this message.


All I want to do is create a dead NPC and put it in the world with certain inventory effects. When I right-click in the actors window to create a new NPC, I get all necessary menus but many of the fields are grayed out and I cannot edit them. I want to set the health to 0 but it cannot be changed, along with most of the other fields under the stats tab. What am I doing wrong? I've watched several videos on this topic and their fields are pristine white, totally editable! I'm doing exactly what the video uploaders are doing but there is obviously an oversight on my part somewhere.


Could someone please give me some help? Or at least point me to a good source that shows me how to do this properly? Thanks.

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I'm very rusty when it comes to editing actors, but iirc, it has something to do with the actor form inheriting a template, or, it has something to do with the actor being a leveled actor or not.

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Yeah I read in another post that some fields cannot be changed for the reason you mentioned, so then how do I create my own unique NPC from the ground up? I select Fallout4 as the master, I wait for its resources to appear, expand ACTOR, right-click in the actor list and select NEW. Isn't this how it's done?

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Yes, selecting "New" should be fine, and the fields shouldn't be greyed out. You usually see this when working with a template actor, as steve mentioned. I'm not sure why it'd be greyed-out otherwise. The template field should be blank by default.


Maybe try running the CK in admin mode?

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The error messages are normal. Or at least, I doubt any of them are related to your issue.


Have you checked the template section to make sure it's set to "none"?


I'm really not sure. The CK can be really buggy, but I've never heard of something like this. If no one else has any suggestions, maybe try reinstalling the CK?

Edited by Dupre232
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I found that some parts of editor windows are not available until after you "save" and reopen it for changes. So basically right click, hit new, give it a name, hit ok, then open the actor back up and see if you can make the changes you desire. This is especially true on Quests and anything else that has parts the rely on the form ID of the thing being edited. Since a form ID hasn't been assigned until you click ok and save the changes you can't make those edits. It would also be good to make note if there are any things it's trying to template from as was mentioned by Dupre232.

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OK, I've figured out your problem.


If you have an Actor Base selected in the Template Data part of the Actor form, and you have any check boxes ticked underneath the Actor Base drop list, it will grey out those stats that you have checked, because it is now getting the values from the Actor Base. So uncheck the boxes, e.g. Stats, Traits, AI Data etc, and those tabs should become editable again.

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