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Difference between "c_Material" and "c_Material_scrap".

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For example, DLC01_workshop_co_ScrapHospitalLights. It has:

2 c_Copper
2 c_Glass
3 c_Steel_scrap

And in Workshop, when scrapping this item, I can see only Steel. But if I change Copper and Glass to _scrap, I will have all of it.

But from other items I can get c_Robber even without _Scrap.


Can I use _scrap prefix for all items, even not for scrapping, just to avoid confusion?

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One is the raw broken down component, the other is a misc item that can break down to the raw component. Recipes will generally require the raw component instead of the misc item so that it offers to break things down for you.


IE if the recipe has component requirements for c_Copper and all you have are light bulbs it will ask to break those down into the copper and glass scrap components and then build your item.


If the recipe called for c_Copper_scrap then it would only accept already broken down copper parts. If you didn't already break down your light bulbs it would tell you you don't have materials. This is how my shipment notes building mod works. So it doesn't go in a loop breaking down the notes you just made.


The engine has predefined methods of calculating how much of each component you get back when scrapped. I used to have a spreadsheet listing it all but I seem to have lost it. Most are either 1/4 or 1/2 of the required materials for crafting. I think whoever made that recipe for DLC01_workshop_co_ScrapHospitalLights just mistakenly used c_Steel_scrap instead of c_Steel as most other Bethesda recipes always reference the component object not the misc item.


From what you seem to have witnessed and described you could probably get away with using the _scrap for scrap recipes. I would not use them for crafting recipes unless you want the behavior I noted above (only accepting pre-broken down materials).

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