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Daedric Bikini for Legendary Bikinis


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Hey there. I guess some of you know the Mod: Legendary Armor - Bikini (and -SSE for the Special Edition) by the author "cp44"?


and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2309/?

I know there is the Daedric Reaper Armor https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4372/? it looks cool, but i really miss a REAL Daedric Bikini Armor with all its parts and options (light and heavy).

I already posted my request on the mod-sides, but someone told me there: "from what the authors have said on the bikini maiden mod page is that they are both swamped with work so wont be any work done till after winter, but i believe this mod is finished."


So, i thought - if the author has no time, or worse - the mod is really finished, is it possible someone else could ask cp44 for the rights to do this and could make a Daedric Bikini?

Edited by Lycanthro
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Is no one in all the modders here who could and would make this?

Isn't Nisetanaka the one who makes the Bikini Armors? If I remember right, I asked him once for a Daedric Bikini Armor and he didn't answer. It's not that the people who make mods don't have time to read messages. It's that most of them, for some weird reason, don't want to read messages from everyone, otherwise they can always find some time. You could try to tell him I guess.
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