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Females eyes are Ambiant


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I dont know what caused this but all the sudden all the humanoid females in my game have flat, ambient eyes.... It's really creepy looking and throwing me off. Every female in my game has glowing eyes. Can anyone help?


It happened right after I installed Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- for SkyrimSE and Sofia. I'm unsure if the two are related or not but its really buggery.



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Ok, have you tried removing the eye folder under Skyrim Special Edition\Data\textures\actors\character and installing a new set from scratch? I'm thinking if it's some left over files perhaps... :happy:

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Ok, have you tried removing the eye folder under Skyrim Special Edition\Data\textures\actors\character and installing a new set from scratch? I'm thinking if it's some left over files perhaps... :happy:



I tried that. Didn't work. I even removed my textures folder completely. Didnt work.

As I said before. It's an effect, its not a texture. Textures don't control surface values like gloss, ambience, subsurface, lighting, and reflectivity.

Textures are a raw diffuse Map "an image". It's not a surface value. I can tell by looking at it that its ambience of some sort because its bypassing the surrounding lighting of the environment without actually emitting light its self = Ambience. Two things I think of that can cause that. Subsurface, or Ambience. I'm trying to figure out how I can test which one it is.

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