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Paths showing?


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Hi... in Skyrim I am seeing red blocks on paths, yellow directional arrows, red x's and yellow/orange/green lines in the air, ghost images of npc's/dragon -almost seems like a pathing map for animations and effects (opening sequence) of coarse modded, was running fine until I used an ini editor -might have clicked something wrong/changed something -just wondering if there is a way to turn off these showing in-game without having to re-install everything from scratch... ?

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No, the ini editor is exactly what happened. You checked the modder's paradise button. You are essentially viewing the game as it is in the Creation Kit :smile:






So no need to reinstall from scratch. Run it again and uncheck that option. :)

Edited by Niborino9409
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After hours spent over the coarse of several days -I was really not looking forward to doing it again. Niborino9409 you are my hero today. It was indeed a simple BethINI checkbox (Modder's Paradise) that was


causing my woes. (I did manage to tweak the settings even better while trying to figure out where this was coming from so I guess it was a win) Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction before I did


something terribly wrong.


-Thanks again!

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