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Quest Mods for Survival Playthrough?


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Hi all,


Just about to start a survival playthrough using mods like Frostfall, iNeed etc. and I want to add some quest content. These don't necessarily have to be geared towards survival per se (such as Hunting in Skyrim). What I'm looking for are quest mods that I can use alongside Frostfall etc without stopping the survival mods from working or causing compatibility issues. So the immersion of survival is maintained basically.


I would assume all dungeon mods that use the skyrim worldspace will be just fine (such as Forgotten Dungeons for example) but what about other quests/adventures/new lands?


I would assume all mods that create a new land (Falskaar/Beyond Reach etc.) will need patches for Frostfall to function properly.


But what about other great quest mods like Wheels of Lull, Wonders of Mzark, Forgotten City etc etc. Most of you will know at least some of the quests available - can any be recommended to work alongside the survival mods?


I guess the main issues I could face would be:


- A location being marked as cold by Frostfall when it's clearly not (I'm stood in a lava pit or something)

- A quest being so long I can't take along enough food or all my food spoils and I starve to death before I can complete


Thanks for any suggestions!

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