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Script for multiple person transport?

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Hey whats up guys, Scarce here

so I've played the wonderful mod-combo "Private Mobile Base" and "Dwemer Cyborgs", while last is a fitting addition for a private "storm-troop".
The only obstacle, which keeps me from enjoying it completely, is a little script problem.
The exit door in the docking bay is an activator, which allows to let the player exit at the location chose in the control room.

In consequence, it is not possible for followers to enter the exit. The script looks like this (Caldera as Example);


elseif ( hubcurloc == 10 )
Player->Position -10920 20070 4681 -90 ; Caldera Hover



How could I make the script working, that all persons in the docking bay are transported through this activator? My latin reachs the end and my C++ knowledge is not that much.

Kind regards

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