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Enviroment Not Loading


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So I have this problem in Skyrim that occurs a lot. What happens is I will be walking from one place to another and some aspects of the enviroment wont load. A good example was me visiting Falkreath. I ran into the town and I could see the houses but their textures weren't loaded yet and I could run through the house. This is problematic because I can get stuck if I am running through something that hasn't loaded any textures when it loads I will get stuck. This also happens when I am shooting a bow. After I release the arrow the arrow won't fly. Instead I have to pause to game menu and wait for the sound of me shooting a bow then when I unpause it, the game will have loaded. Can anyone help me on this?



Windows 10

7th Gen intel core i5 processor

8gb memory

intel HD draphics 620


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