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Bow and greatsword equipped at the same time


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Hey guys,


my english isn't the best, i will try my best to describe the problem understandable :tongue:


So here we go:


I have my Bow on shortcut 1 and the Greatsword on 2. If I get my Bow ready and want to switch directly to my Greatsword, the Bow does not disappear. it is still in my hands, together with my Greatsword.

If I switch from Greatsword to Bow, the Bow is invisible.


Rarely it works if I take the Bow on my back (PC, R button) and then press 2 for the Greatsword and vice versa.


Link with screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jNJyt


Picture of my mods, all of them working like they should. :rolleyes:




So finally let me explain what I did to get this "bug":


I was sick of being a Khajit, and i know that RaceMenu is messing up with stats/perks. So I got the "Lossless race Change" mod --> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33968/?

Installed, mod working, all fine.


After changing my race to Breton, "Better Vampires" mod didnt work like it should.

I figured out the RaceChange mod messed up some things.


Console command "GetIsRace" said I am still "KhajitRaceVampire" while being a Breton. It also changed it to "BretonRace" and not "BretonRaceVampire" (could be my bad too, not sure).

So I fixed that with the console commands.


Now Better Vampires recognizes me as a vampire and works again, like all other mods too. I was happy to not reset my mods/progress.


This was the moment the bug appeared for the first time.


I googled without success, LOOT does not find any errors either. :wallbash:


I hope someone can help me, if you need more information just comment. i will check the post daily.

All DLC's installed.


Big thanks in advance!! :D :D :D

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I've always had that with equipping overhaul, don't know if it ever has "worked". Just sheath old weapon before equipping new

Equipping Overhaul worked perfectly before. Sheathing weapons only works like 1 out of 10 times, so it is really annoying :/

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