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3DS Max export produces invisible mesh in game


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I'm really scratching my head on this one. I've been trying to export a clothing mesh into Fallout 4 for days now using the Niftools plugin for Max 2017. Everything shows up fine if I open it in Nifskope, but in the game, in Outfit Studio, or in the CK, nothing shows up. It's like I exported an empty file.


Now, I know that this can apparently happen if you have bones that are skinned but not weighted to the mesh, so I've gone through and removed all of those. To be extra sure, I also used the weight table to remove zero-weights, then checked each bone again and removed any that were not weighted, then re-exported, did the whole song and dance, and yet the darn thing still refuses to show up. Here's the real kicker: this seems to happen to already-working meshes that I just re-export. I've tried it with vanilla armor, with modded pieces, and with my own, and I cannot find a reproducible, consistent reason why I'm getting invisible meshes. On one of my working ones, all I did was import the armor and re-export it. Didn't change a thing, yet in the game, half of it just doesn't appear.


The way I've gotten my mods to work in the past required exporting OBJ's then processing them through Outfit Studio, but the current mod I'm making needs to have cloth physics, which Outfit Studio can't handle. I've attached one of the meshes giving me trouble, if someone could take a look at it. I'm really hoping someone with more experience can chime in on this, because if I can't figure this problem out, then this mod is pretty much hosed, and I know I'm not the only one having this issue.

Edited by SkyWest1218
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