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Chainmail reflections, hair levelled lists and other mod questions.


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So, here's a few questions I have regarding modding that I hope people will be able to answer.


1) Chainmail reflections.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7270 This is the mod here.


What I've done to create the chainmail versions is to basically replace the flesh textures with the textures of the chainmail. However. several users have told me that when near a fire, the chainmail turns black, and I have no idea what could be causing this.


I figure the fix would probably be among the shader property flags but since I have absolutely no idea what each flag does, I'll just list down the flags that I have active.


Shader Flags 1: SF_Specular | SF_Skinned | SF_Environment_Mapping | SF_8 | SF_Cast_shadows | SF_22 | SF_25 | SF_ZBuffer_Test

Shader Flags 2: SF_ZBuffer_Write | SF_Double_Sided | SF_15



2)Hair Levelled Lists


From what I've gathered from seeing some mod topics and etc, I gathered that to add custom hairs to all npcs I needed to use something called levelled lists or something like that.


So, my questions are,


1: What are these levelled lists and how do I go about editing them?


2: Is it possible to add more than one hair mod into these levelled lists and if so, how?



3) Armor Skin Textures

If, after equipping a custom armor, the skin turns a bright purple, what are the likely causes of this problem?


For anyone who took the time to read this and reply, I thank you beforehand.

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Have the faces been flipped? I know if faces are flipped then they will do what you describe.


1. Heres an example of a level list:



2. Yes.


3. Purple texture means you are missing the texture used by the nif.

Edited by jet4571
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Have the faces been flipped? I know if faces are flipped then they will do what you describe.



I'm sorry but I need you to elaborate a little more lol. Faces of what? and flipped how?


Open your mesh in Nifskope and right click on it. Then click Mesh > Flip Normals. That should sort out the light problem. If not, Go back into Nifskope and click Mesh > Flip Faces.

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Have the faces been flipped? I know if faces are flipped then they will do what you describe.



I'm sorry but I need you to elaborate a little more lol. Faces of what? and flipped how?


Open your mesh in Nifskope and right click on it. Then click Mesh > Flip Normals. That should sort out the light problem. If not, Go back into Nifskope and click Mesh > Flip Faces.


This is a ridiculously late reply but I was really busy and anw, wanted to thank you for your advice. flipping faces did it. thanks a lot =)


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