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Papyrus properties (Companions Quest line)


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First of all, English is not my mother tongue, so please apologize some unfortunate turns of phrase :sweat:


In the Companions quest line, i am just before the quest "Blood's Honor", but i want to make more radiant quest with the questgivers. At this point, i think that the papyrus property "RadiantQuestsDoneInCurrentSegment" in the Companions house keep script is at "2".


How can i reset it? Is there a way now that I've started the Companions quest line?


i tried the command line SetPapyrusVar RadiantQuestsDoneInCurrentSegment 0, no effect. I also tried to edit the script "CompanionsHousekeepingScript" (that's bad i know :whistling: ) : i changed RadiantQuestsDoneInCurrentSegment >= RadiantQuestsUntilC04 to simply >, so the count to go to C04 must be 3. Unfortunately, no effect again argh ! I readed that the script is attached to the save files, so that must be why it doesn't work. But is there a way to re-init it?


I'm desperate ! Any help could be useful, but maybe it's now simply impossible?

Edited by kaar
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No help on the issue itself, but there's a mod called Slower Companions Advancement. I think it should work if you haven't done BH yet.


The mod itself didn't worked, but I took the opportunity to look at the changes in the Companions quests. At last, I've solved my problem ! Thanks :thumbsup:

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