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Missing war paint options


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Hi. When I created my Imperial character I gave him a war paint design that was only on the right side of his face, and near the hair line. I've been playing for awhile now and hadn't really been paying attention, but I just noticed that it is gone. Not only that, but when I bring up "showracemenu" in the console commands (I figured I would just put it back) it no longer appears as an option. In fact, there are now far LESS options to choose from then there were when I was creating him. I had installed the mod "War Paint For Everyone", which was supposed to make all warpaints available for all races (I intended to use it later for a different character), so this may be the culprit. However, I've since uninstalled the mod, and am still having the same problems (the facepaint I chose no longer exists, fewer choices). Any suggestions? Thank you for your time.
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Problem solved. Uninstalled and re-installed "War Paint for Everyone". All options now available. Yeah!


Hi. When I created my Imperial character I gave him a war paint design that was only on the right side of his face, and near the hair line. I've been playing for awhile now and hadn't really been paying attention, but I just noticed that it is gone. Not only that, but when I bring up "showracemenu" in the console commands (I figured I would just put it back) it no longer appears as an option. In fact, there are now far LESS options to choose from then there were when I was creating him. I had installed the mod "War Paint For Everyone", which was supposed to make all warpaints available for all races (I intended to use it later for a different character), so this may be the culprit. However, I've since uninstalled the mod, and am still having the same problems (the facepaint I chose no longer exists, fewer choices). Any suggestions? Thank you for your time.

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  • 1 year later...

Im having the exact same problem!! my male nord is missing a whole bunch of his original warpaints, all of his male nord war paints, and I only get redguard war paints and a boethiah tattoo.

I have a allwarpaintraces.esp in my data folder but the nexus mod manager wont install it, and the mod is currently hidden by the author .


have any ideas for a fix?

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