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Offering a hand to any and all Moders!


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Greetings all! Sabrisx here, Probably a name you've never heard in your life! so please, Go take an arrow to the knee -.-.


Now that aside, Basicly Just letting any and all moders who check back on this forum, That im offering Voice overs to the best of my ability to anyone just willing to ask.

What do i have to offer? Well a sexy aussie acent ofcourse! well not really... not sexy anyway ;). Pretty much Been modding my game since day one now, And i feel like i should give back to the community, And due to the lack of any form of modding skill at all, I thought the least i could try and do is Give out a voice over or two if needed. After all, Who likes a silent follower or a quest giver whos got a sabercat hanging onto his tounge? As for equipment and blah blah blah, I do not have great state of the art, Expensive Recording programs and Mic/Headsets. But i have decent ones, And if request start to come in numbers, Will be willing to invest in the above items.


For Those wanting to trial, Or Take a gander at my voice before enquiring, Here is a completely un-Skyrim related youtube video Of my voice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLMUuivwjH0&feature=g-upl&context=G2f9d848AUAAAAAAAAAA

Ill be uploading a few random voice overs soon. They will be a bit more.. "professional"


And on a side note, Just a great big thank you to all the moders out there making a great game 5000000 times greater, Sincarly Sabrisx. =]

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I certantly can work on getting one up Asap.


Edit: Though If you'd Like an imediate Look on what you can expect, I do have A non-Skyrim related Video on Youtube in which you can get a feel for my voice range and such you an take a listen to

Edited by sabrisx
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