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Breton Position in Skyrim


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From a political and cultural standpoint, would it be fair to say that Bretons occupy something of a neutral position? Bear in mind, as a race they supposedly have incorporated elfin genetic material. Whether that carries over into cultural content would be anybody's guess. Is there any Breton history that's been put forth by Bethesda?

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Actually, a large number of Bretons immigrated to Skyrim quite some centuries ago. I don't know how long, but it was before the current age. Anyway, they eventually settled in the area around Markarth known as "The Reach" and eventually became known as "Reachmen". They've had a rather difficult time with the Empire in the past. The Empire like order, the Reachmen preferred their own ways. The book about Red Eagle spells out one of the historic conflicts between Reachmen and the Empire. This all came to a head when the Reachmen revolted in modern times and took the city of Markarth. There are stories going both ways about the revolt and whether it was justified or not. (Which you can find out more in the game.) All that is publicly known for certain is that Ulfric attacked the city, drove out the Reachmen (and purportedly carried out atrocities against the citizens who were Reachman sympathizers) and turned the city back over to the Empire-backed government in exchange for the Empire recognizing the right of Nords to worship Talos. The Reachmen who escaped the purge of Markarth dispersed into the surrounding area and became known as the Forsworn. Thus, the Forsworn are a new (extremist) version of the Breton-descended Reachmen.


In summary, Bretons (Reachmen) in The Reach tend to be oppressed, 2nd class citizens. (Visitors from High Rock to The Reach should be wary of the area's atmosphere concerning Reachmen.) The Forsworn are something between bandits and terrorists (depending on who you talk to.) And Bretons in other areas of Skyrim are treated pretty much the same as anyone else. Because of their affinity for magic, they DO tend to end up as magicians, even court magicians in many other areas. The fact that they are reputed to have Mer blood in them doesn't really seem to affect their social standing for either good or bad. But they DO tend get a bad rep in The Reach due to the activities of the Forsworn.

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I think The Elder Scrolls has a complicated and morally grey lore. Yes, you would likely find Nordic Supremacist in the Stormcloaks that would view Bretons as being tainted and thus lesser versions of man, but I imagine that many would also occupy a far less extreme view on it. There would be Imperialist that view Skyrim as the equivalent of another state inside the same country; a land they would bleed to protect, and those who may see it as merely a subjugated province that belongs to the Cyrodiilic peoples.


I feel that the Bretons are likewise difficult to categorize. You will have those who grew up on stories of how the Reach was stolen from them and how oppressive Markarth is to them, whilst others have embraced Markarth as their home and identity and see the Reachmen as little more than bandits. Both sides would have an issue with Ulfric, as it was his militia that swept into the city and slaughtered them. I imagine there are also those who are perhaps more of political realist and see Ulfric as a natural ally in their bid to rebel against Markarth. Of course, you also have Bretons living in High Rock, or at least grew up there. High Rock has similarities to Skyrim but appears to be far more decentralized and politically shrewd. Both the Empire and Rebellion have requested assistance from its Lords, but neither seems to have received a reply. Taking a page from Game of Thrones, it could be possible that the more ambitious of these Lords are simply waiting to see which side gains the advantage before siding with them - after all, no Lord wants to join the losing side. From this perspective, the Bretons act out of self-interest and care little regarding how just or unjust the political events in Skyrim are.


Of course, this says nothing about the Bretons who have fully assimilated into Skyrim and live in its heartlands. Apart from physical appearance they may have sensibilities that are almost indistinguishable from the Nords themselves. It would, to me at least, seem that Bretons would not favor the Stormcloaks due to the rhetoric against elves. After all, how many Jews do we see collaborating with the National Socialists who vowed to purge them? I admit the comparison is extreme, but it does highlight the potential problem of working against your imminent self-interests.

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