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Game Crash after clicking new game


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Hey guys, i havnt played skyrim in a while so i figured i'd check out some new mods and play. However, for whatever reason, skyrim decides to crash after i click "new game". The background stays, the mouse is movable, but the menu text is gone. heres a screenshot





I tried reinstalling my game, but that didn't work. I'm also updated with SKSE, NMM and wrye bash


Also here is my mod load order after BOSS (some may have improper names because they were from the steam workshop)



  2. Skyrim.esm
  3. Update.esm
  4. WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm
  5. JSwords.esm
  6. Deus Mons.esm
  7. sos - the dungeons.esp
  8. sos - the wilds.esp
  9. Realistic Lighting.esp
  10. Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp
  11. dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
  12. hq_skyrimmap.esp
  13. invulnerableuniquehorses.esp
  14. ktxcompleteskyforge.esp
  15. Real Wildlife Skyrim No Food.esp
  16. StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
  17. Tytanis.esp
  18. WiS IV - Heroes & Villains.esp
  19. barenziahquestmarkers.esp
  20. AmuletOfTheNine.esp
  21. Cloaks.esp
  22. JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp
  23. Magicka Sabers.esp
  24. voidarmor.esp
  25. WeaponsOf3E.esp
  26. wvexpansion.esp
  27. WiS IV - Normal mode.esp
  28. WiS IV - Fix FrostspiderGiant.esp
  29. Deus Mons.esp
  30. hg.esp
  31. Better Dynamic Snow.esp
  32. bleedeffects.esp
  33. dynamicmerchants.esp
  34. detailed cities.esp
  35. open cities skyrim.esp
  36. dd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.esp
  37. apocalypse.esp
  38. BetterMage.esp
  39. MidasSkyrim.esp
  40. enchantmentcleanser.esp
  41. shenkthieveryoverhaul.esp
  42. Killmove +.esp
  43. Uncapped Perks - Combat + Stealth.esp
  44. Uncapped Perks - Magic.esp
  45. portal2mod.esp
  46. WiS IV - Races.esp
  47. WiS IV - Blood Coins Slow.esp
  48. magicscaling.esp
  49. new guards.esp
  50. wisplicker.esp
  51. less wards cost.esp
  52. detailed outskirts.esp
  53. perksbymatope.esp
  54. necromimesis.esp
  55. PowerfulShouts.esp
  56. WiS IV - leveld World X1.esp





I currently have no made a bashed patch (don't know what to do :x). If anyone can help, please do

Edited by dookie4455
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I have the same problem. I reinstalled skyrim, and the new games load now, but I have to turn off SKSE. I'm going to try making a new character without SKSE, then turn it on after i'm out of the opening scene. Try giving that a shot. I'll come back and let you know how my trial went.
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