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Main quest... bug (spoilers... kinda)


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Basically, the part where i meet the sponsers to get the fourth book, Barus leading into the tunnels doesn't happen. When i find the location, the script (barus follows from a distance) that activates the conversation will not happen. I also have a side-effect of my character not being auto-hailable. (ie, when guards come up to you and start talking after an assult, that doesn't happen with me. Instead, they come up and run away afterwards. ) So i have three questions:


1: Will getting the fourth book from coc testinghall end the quest automatically, or do i still have to wander about the sewers for that to happen:


2: If the quest cannot be completed by simply having the book in your inventory, is there a way to force complete the quest.


3: is there a future fix to this, and while i'm at it, is there any way to fix this anti-hailing issue?

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From: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Path_of_Dawn

If you dawdle before reporting to Baurus after procuring Volume 3, he may come and find you instead, and his range extends even outside the Imperial City. This can prove annoying, as you will be forced to travel with Baurus manually the entire way back to the Sewers. Using fast travel to expedite the journey will not work, as Baurus does not follow you (rather vice-versa). More annoying still is the possibility that Baurus will get stuck. If you meet him outside the Imperial city, he may not be able to figure out how to get back. This fatally crashes the main storyline.

Read the linked page (and it's discussion page) for some suggestions...

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