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Make a standalone new textured mage robe out of a existing mage robe meshe


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So my question is in the tittle but just to be sure if it is possible or not (I've never done any standalone armor but I understand the concept of it, aligning the textures with the meshes with NifSkope and creating a path files in the data folder, etc.) but I seem to be missing something out since my armor is invisible (Problem with the meshes or the textures?)


I'm trying to use the textures from this mod apprentice robe: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59170/?

More specificaly the robes on the last picture of the mod page, the one from the different school of magic. I've duplicated an expert robe and robe armor addon to get the beneficial effect from the expert robe on a apprentice robe and then modified the male world model in the armor addon to point to the new nif I've put in the data, I've put my meshes and textures in the skyrim data folder even though I use MO (Is it correct to do?) and I only changed the meshes and textures for the male version since I play male and only me is gonna use it but then when I get in game after creating the esp the robe and hood are invisible but everything else seems to be good (the stats of the expert robes are good)


Would anyone know a little more and could help me with this? I would be forever in your good grace!


Thank you in advance !

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Oh ok I'm not an actual pro with Nif, but I've notice the numbers beside the sub categorie in nifskope, these are actually the slots used for the biped? I think everything there is alright, the expert robes and the apprentice seem to share the same biped slots, I'll get back to you in little while
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Load up your mod in TesVEdit and check both the armor and armor addon for the body slots.


In Nifscope, load the mesh (you will need to do this to both _0 and _1 weights separately). In the view window, click on the robe, this will select the NiTriShape in the Block List window. Drill down to the BSDismemberSkinInstance in the Block List. Now look in the Block Details window and open up the Partitions line until you see the BSDismemberBodyPartType. This will show you the Biped slot it is using. Adjust as needed.

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Haha hell yeah! I think it's the specular is the light reflecting texture map for the armor. I also saw some dds files "hood_n" and "robe_n" in nifskope and it was all purple, it's also selected as 2nd textures in nifskope , right under the new texture I had.
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