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Recommend ENBs


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Hi! I'm new here, and i've got a hard time trying to find an enb that doesn't destroy my GPU, Maybe you can help me :pinch: :pinch:


So far i can run Skyrim in Ultra settings at 60 fps in most locations and interiors

Less i've got is 40 fps in Falkreath.


My most Relevant graphic mods are:


Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Climates of tamriel

Noble skyrim 2k

Grass on steroids

Realistic water two


and thats it.

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A lot of the recommendations will depend on what your video card is. There are some ENBs out there that will place a tax on my 980TI, and others that it laughs at. There is pretty much something for every class of card, but before anyone can recommend something we need to know what your machine is capable of. You're already using some pretty intensive mods, but there are always ways to make things work.


Also, are you using the Special Edition or the original?

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I sticked with Kountervibe on 970 nvidia. I am not using trees due better visibility, no weather for same reason, have grass but not density but for more color/diversity. Fps go down to 45 outside in some location and in some fights, but 60 inside no much trouble. Using textures u have, but have also parallax textures and many more, optimized to not load scene for too long.

Edited by Rexeos
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