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Are there any tutorials/guides/wikis that can help me learn how to mod game mechanics. I'm looking to adjust leveling, skill and stat gain. I want to mess with forces. I need to be able control various input and outputs of the game. It doesn't appear the creation kit does this, am I right? Maybe papyrus is the answer, but their wiki only seems to cover content creation. Again please help and thank you.
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The CK is basically designed to work within the existing framework and add new content. So you can build new dungeons, new quests, new NPCs, new houses, and things like that. What you basically want with your mod idea is a different game. You are correct that the CK is not good at making changes like this. You may have heard people referring to things as being "hardcoded." These things are the things that the programmers made that are integral to the game and not really changeable with the CK. Many game mechanics things are hardcoded.


In order to make changes like you want to, you would need to get really good at scripting for workarounds in the CK, and perhaps even computer programming to write a program that filters the inputs and outputs of Skyrim to change how the game plays. It would be sort of like how OBSE works on Oblivion to allow it to handle additional commands it was never designed to handle.

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Thanks a bunch. Needed some clear info. I've made scripts for games like UO and darkfall. Messed with some other things like Visual Basic, etc. But from what your saying I would need to learn how to be a game programmer to be able to do what I'm hoping. Oh well thnx again.
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