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Most anticlimactic Skyrim moment?


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I won't bother bashing the official quests. Enough people have already done that. I'm an Oblivion veteran. I'm used to quests that are contrived and seem "unfinished", and I really didn't expect anything better for Skyrim (although I went into this game with hope). Bethesda simply isn't very good at this part of game design. Instead, I'll relate some of my own epically anti-climatic moments -- things I've managed to contrive myself, without any help from anyone else.


On one occasion I was fighting a group of Draugr. I had lured most of them into an oil pool and set fire to it (and them). The one standing in front of me looked cold, so I figured I'd use Unrelenting Force to blow him into the conflagration before it burnt out. I had forgotten I had Whirlwind Sprint enabled. Guess who wound up in the fire.


Of course, there was also that time right after killing my very first Deathlord when I was standing in a puddle of oil and accidentally shot a fire bolt into it when I was adjusting my mouse on the mouse pad, but we won't talk about that ... especially since I had forgotten to save my game before fighting the Deathlord.


Funny you should mention killing dragons as the beginning of an anticlimax. I did just this -- in the near pitch-blackness of night imposed upon my game by a mod that makes nights realistically dark. I barely managed to kill the dragon. Try fighting one when you can't even see it until it starts breathing on you. It's not easy. Then I promptly stepped off the mountain and fell to my death. That's not only my most anti-climatic moment in Skyrim, but also my most embarrassing, and one of the funniest, all bound up together in an epic moment. "Hey! I'm Dovahkiin. Watch me flyyyyyyyy!"

Edited by RedRavyn
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  On 3/10/2012 at 1:57 AM, nyxalinth said:

I was watching Jesse Cox's (OMFG:Cata) Sklyrim videos, and at one point he said, "It would be very anticlimactic if after killing a dragon, I got killed by a mudcrab." Has anyone had moments like this? I mean, where you did something epic only to have a ridiculously anticlimactic moment almost immediately afterwards?


I haven't yet in Skyrim, but once in Oblivion I finished off some tough bandits in a cave and turned to leave...only to blunder into a trap and die.





For me its anticlimactic after every guild quests. So I just explain it with my bad humour. ( note Im a swedish and dont write english to good :P )


Someone : oh hey, now youre the new leader of the ******** guild/college, congrats and here is some money and a room.

Dragonborn: uhh..... Ive been a member about a week and now you want me to lead the whole thing??!

Someone: yes, you got the spirit and Ive dreamt about you and youre so honest blahblahblah..

Dragonborn: admit it, no one else want this job.

Someone: Hrmm... Uh... Nonono. We trust you completely!

Dragonborn: Crap!


One moment later...


Someone: Hey you suck! And btw do this! And don´t screw it up!

Dragonborn: Uhh... Do it yourself?

Someone: NO! You have to do it!! youre...... good at it.

Dragonborn: You need therapy.


It would have been fun if you as guildleader could recruit random types, or have some challenge as mutiny or random crazyness.

It feels so empty after being leader of the dark brotherhood, dont like the new sanctuary and its so empty with only babette and nazir. And when you become thieves guild leader delvin buttlicks you and vex is still a pain in the ass, and theres only small boring quests when youre going to steal "Orvars garnet" or something.


Its a bit ridiculous that you can be leader over practically everything.

But at the same time you want to prove yourself when members are mean and whiny. Or get a awesome item/thing/horse like shadowmere without cheating with the console.


A bitchslap mod like the one in dao would be something^^

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