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msi gtx 960 4g gaming cannot get past 58fps


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I have a msi gtx 960 4g gaming and cannot get past 58fps. At first I thought it was the settings, but any change of settings from ultra to minimal has little change. There is something keeping it from 60fps in the open world. I am wondering if anyone else is having similar issues?


4690K cpu

960 4gb


I have a lot of mods, but none of them are graphical mods.

Edited by hellonf
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It's TWO frames per second your posting about?


First, I think I've been trolled.


Second, you don't WANT it over 60 anyway...


Third, you got 58 frames per second? I assure you, many people in this forum are thankful their game isn't crashing. And you're crying about TWO frames per second?


FOURTH, I think I've been trolled.




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