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.BSA files from Oldrim stopping my SSE from loading (SKSE and SkyUI both installed)


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So now that SKSE and SkyUi are finally here, I thought that I would be able to use some HUD mods from Oldrim on SSE such as "A Matter of Time". However when manually download them, and export them into NMM, I try and launch Skyrim or my SKSE_launcher from the gamefolder and the game fails to load altogether, I know it is the .bsa file stopping my game loading because when I remove it, my game loads straight away.


Any tips would be appreciated :)

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The BSA format is different in SSE than it is in the original Skyrim. Your solution is to extract the BSA contents. Then you can either repack them as SSE BSA files or leave them as loose files.


If you want NMM or other mod manager to properly handle those files, you'll need to not extract the BSA files into the data folder but rather into a clean folder where you can repack them for proper installation.

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