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Script problem, starting the dlc quests


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I'm not the best at scripting and coding so I can't seem to wrap my head around this.

So, I've done an alternative start-ish mod called 'Sloppy Baurus', you can check it out here: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47861/?

The idea is to just quickly get out and get going with the game.


Just to sum it up:

Baurus forgets to lock the doors behind himself in the imperial prison, hence you can just walk out of there and skip the entire tutorial dungeon.

You get to choose class and birthsign right away, and you get the amulet of kings and the tutorial quest gets completed instantly, aswell as it sends you on your way to jauffre- so it's basicly just a -'skip the tutorial dungeon'-mod.. simply.


Now, neither of the DLC's activate (The issue at hannd), and I can't tell exactly how they are being activated in-game but it's not via the sewer exit door.

I have a custom script attached to the door leading from the prison dungeon to the prison office (or whatever it is).. and here's what I've tried (with no success)


Here's a piece of the script:

			; exit prison
			player.additem AmuletofKings 1
			player.unequipitem AmuletofKings 1
			setstage MQ01 88

		;Start the Shivering Isles DLC
			if ( GetStage SE01Door == 0 )
				SetStage SE01Door 10

		;Start the Horse Armor DLC
			setstage DLCHorseArmor 30
			player.additem DLCHorseArmorNote 1
			SnakGraBuraRef.ModDisposition Player 20

		;Start the Orrery DLC
			if ( GetStage DLCOrrery == 0 )
				player.additem DLCOrreryNote 1
				setstage DLCOrrery 10
				DLCOrreryBandit1Ref1.PosWorld -146945.796 30078.8672 12828.7764 0 Tamriel
				DLCOrreryBandit2Ref1.PosWorld -112172.601 44503.8438 12771.8730 0 Tamriel
				DLCOrreryBandit3Ref1.PosWorld -116540.562 18500.7324 7787.8286 0 Tamriel
				DLCOrreryBandit4Ref1.PosWorld -174006.125 6376.1973 6252.8516, 0, Tamriel
				DLCOrreryBandit5Ref1.PosWorld -182350.625 27022.1504 5340.9019 0 Tamriel

		;Start Deepscorn DLC (Vile Lair)
			SetStage DLCDeepscorn 10

		;Start the Mehrunes DLC
			SetStage DL9MehrunesQuest 10
			ShowMap DL09MapMarker; 1 								; do NOT allow player to fast-travel here right away
		;Start the Spell Tomes DLC
		;Start the Thieves Den DLC
			setstage DLC06ThievesDen 10
			if ( GetStageDone TG00FindThievesGuild 30 == 1 )
				setStage TG00FindThievesGuild 20 

		;Start the Battlehorn DLC
			SetStage DLCBattlehornCastle 10

		;Start the Frostcrag DLC
			SetStage DLCFrostcragSpire 10
		;Start the Knights of the Nine DLC
			setstage NDPilgrim 5

		;Proceed with Main Quest
			setstage mq01 100
			setstage mq02 21 ;custom stage

Setting the quest stages like this is basicly code lifted directly from the scripts inside the DLC's themselves.


I made this mod for myself and uploaded it here just for fun. Since I am sharing it with others here on the nexus, however, I'd be very happy knowing it at least does it's job properly. If anybody feel like helping me out here I'd very much appreciate it.



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