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Anyway to make mods that require DLC not need DLC?


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ENB are one thing I kinda don't really like. I have seen many of them, but I can't get into them because of the blur levels and/or glow levels. I like neither. Not even DOF. I really can not do any of those things for the simple fact that: when I am focused on a part of the screen, I STILL can't see the opposite side of the screen clearly, anyway. No need for DOF. When my eyes are moving around the screen, they are already applying a blur effect, LOL. BUT, I DO use the main ENB files in FO4. I just don't use any preset, and I start changing levels until I see something change that I can use to make it more of my preference. I have ZERO knowledge of using ENB, though. I just go through settings and tweak 'em. I eventually find something that catches my eye. I only do stuff for Skyrim/SE, and FO3/NV/4. I can spend about 3 hours in CK trying to make something when I am bored. I have added a few OP weapons and armor, as well as jewelry with custom enchantments/magic effects and stuff like that. It makes for better gameplay after so many hours.

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