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3rd-Person Mid-Air Directional Aiming


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So I was going to make a build based on the CROSS Jetpack, strafing over people raining death on them, etc, but I noticed a slight problem. It turns out that in Fallout 4, when you're in 3rd-person and in mid-air(be it from falling, jumping or jetpacking using that mod), your character does not actually point their weapon at the atual spot you're aiming. Instead, your character allways points their weapon slightly upwards, regardless of if you're aiming up, down or forwards. The shots still hit the intended target, but if I want to fly over an enemy and fire down on them in 3rd-person, it'll look like I'm shooting forward, which looks ridiculous and breaks immersion. It works better in 1st-person, but that's not as fun.


So yeah, that's a problem I've noticed, and I haven't heard anyone else discuss this issue, so maybe it's just not something that enough people care about, but I'm trying ym luck with bringing it up here anyway. To be honest, I don't expect anything to be done about this, since I have a suspiscion that whatever limitation is causing this is probably not something that can be easily worked around. But I'll make this post anyway, on the off-chance that someone happens to have whatever knowledge might turn out to be required to fix this problem, and cares enough to do so.


Thanks for reading.

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