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Lighting change depending on where I look


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Depending on where my camera is in the game, the brightness is really bright, but if I move it in another direction, it becomes dark again.



You might also be able to help with how dark it is, for some reason it got really dark after uninstalling and reinstalling LOS-AIO.


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ENB Used:

Unbleak with ENB series .315, SweetFX version.

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i am assuming the images are from breezehome, if so it looks like a Conflict between Enhanced Lights And Fx and Skyrim Project Optimization


you also have multiple Lighting Overhaul Mods that are not Compatible with each other and will conflict with each other (which will cause all sorts of issues)


Realistic Lighting Overhaul is not compatible With Enhanced Lights and Fx


both of the mods edit Light Sources via Cell Edits, they will most likely edit the same cells, and this will then cause the light source to disappear when looking at it, but it will re-appear when not looking at it (however its possible it may even disable the light source altogether)


as for breezehome, you will need to either disable Skyrim Project Optimization or Re-Install Enhanced Lights and FX and check the option No Breezehome (both mods conflict with each other in Breezehome, choosing the No Breezehome option in ELFX will prevent this conflict thus fixing your issue in Breezehome)



as for changing the in game Brightness:


Go to - C:\Users\Your Computer Name\Documents\My Games\Skyrim - Open SkyrimPrefs.Ini - Press (CTRL + F) - Search for (fGamma) - Change this value to increase in game Brightness (the higher the setting the darker the game will be) - (Vanilla = 1.000) - (maximum darkness = 1.240)



Note: You Have Several Mod Conflicts


Enhanced Lights and FX


Realistic Lighting Overhaul


Skyrim Project Optimization - will Conflict with the Enhanced Lights and FX (the main esp is (Interiors) and Realistic Lighting Overhaul (Interiors) - (all 3 will conflict in Interiors)


Realistic Lighting Overhaul (Exteriors) Will Conflict with Enhanced Lights and Fx (Exteriors)


Enhanced And Lights (Weathers) Will Conflict with Climates of Tamriel



Notes: These Conflicts can cause very bad issues, you should never have more then 1 lighting overhaul mod and weather overhaul mod. they will cause all sorts of issues, and both are pretty demanding.


Note: To elimnate the conflicts, you will need to either pick ELFX or RLO not both, and for weather you will need to pick Climates of Tamriel. or Dont select the ELFX Weathers Module, or if you want ELFX Weathers you will need to uninstall Climates of Tamriel


ELFX = Enhanced Lights and FX


RLO = Realistic Lighting Overhaul

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