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Ctd In armor workshop and Legendary pickup.


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For some reason the game crashes when I pickup legendary items and in the armor workbench. I don't know what to do.



Here is the load order:


0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCWorkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCWorkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCWorkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 ArmorKeywords.esm
8 8 Homemaker.esm
9 9 Damage Threshold.esm
10 a TrueStormsFO4.esm
11 b Arbitration - Resources.esm
12 c SettlementKeywords.esm
13 d SimSettlements.esm
14 e Automatron Helmets Fix.esp
15 f BetterModDescriptions.esp
16 10 BetterAutomatronWeapons.esp
17 11 WOTC.esp
18 12 MoreUniques.esp
20 14 DiamondNewVendors.esp
21 15 GunnersOverhaul.esp
22 16 RaidersReloaded.esp
23 17 subwayrunnnernodynamic.esp
24 18 CROSS_PlasRail.esp
25 19 FortHaganInstitute.esp
26 1a BowAndArrow.esp
27 1b TracerMod.esp
28 1c CapStorage.esp
29 1d _00PlaceBarricades.esp
30 1e CommonwealthConifersREDUX.esp
31 1f FarHarborAmmo_Commonwealth.esp
32 20 CVSNWA.esp
33 21 Companion Infinite Ammo.esp
34 22 Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp
35 23 Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
36 24 3in1.esp
37 25 Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp
38 26 Crafting Workbenches - Removed Crafting Experience.esp
39 27 Crafting Workbench.esp
40 28 Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp
41 29 Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp
42 2a Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp
43 2b CROSS_Jetpack.esp
44 2c CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm
45 2d CROSS_Uni_Scarf.esp
46 2e DarkerNightsDetection.esp
47 2f DeadBodyCollision.esp
48 30 DV-Deadly Vertibirds.esp
49 31 DV-Armored Pilots.esp
50 32 DV-Vertibird Explosive Minigun.esp
51 33 ProfGood.esp
52 34 FHTO.esp
53 35 Fr4nssonsLightTweaks.esp
54 36 Real dead general mcgann.esp
55 37 GeneratorOverhaul.esp
56 38 Give Me That Bottle.esp
57 39 GlovesOfTheCommonwealth.esp
58 3a LSSR.esp
59 3b TrueGrass.esp
60 3c Grasslands - Healthy.esp
61 3d Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
62 3e ImmersiveVendors.esp
63 3f IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp
64 40 HC_InstituteFastTravelDLC.esp
65 41 K9TacticalHarness.esp
66 42 KelloggArm.esp
67 43 LetsMoveLikeRealPeopleHuh.esp
68 44 LongRangeBulletHoles.esp
70 46 Armorsmith Extended.esp
71 47 No Essential Npcs - All Dlc.esp
72 48 Boston_Police_Department.esp
73 49 CombatZoneRestored.esp
74 4a Stuff In Wood Boxes.esp
75 4b DiamondCityNew.esp
76 4c Plausible_Weights_Weapons_Only_LB.esp
77 4d Squirrels_of_the_Commonwealth.esp
78 4e Raider Children.esp
79 4f True Legendary Enemies.esp
80 50 RaiderOverhaul.esp
81 51 Some Assembly Required.esp
82 52 QuazVehicleOverhaul.esp
83 53 SuperMutantOverhaul.esp
84 54 Diverse Cats.esp
85 55 NightstrikerCreatureMod.esp
86 56 Minutemen Supply Caches.esp
87 57 WET.esp
88 58 NoGuardclean.esp
89 59 DiamondCityMoreSecurity.esp
90 5a RansackedRelay.esp
91 5b RAIDS.esp
92 5c KatanaPack.esp
93 5d CommonwealthCritters - Both DLC.esp
94 5e CourserCrusher.esp
95 5f VTO Redux.esp
96 60 WildernessTentTest.esp
97 61 Sanctuary Raider & Dog Removed.esp
98 62 Driveable Motorcycle Mod.esp
99 63 P99.esp
100 64 FieldScribeBackpack.esp
101 65 FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
103 67 HatswithHair.esp
104 68 Combat_Helmet_Illumination 1.2.esp
105 69 Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp
106 6a Covscript.esp
107 6b CraftableAmmo.esp
108 6c CraftableAmmo_plus.esp
109 6d D.E.C.A.Y.esp
110 6e DiamondCityAutoClose.esp
111 6f DiamondCitySWAT.esp
112 70 ASmallAdditionStandaloneDrivablesRadstag.esp
113 71 IWN Core 1.7.esp
114 72 Extended weapon mods.esp
115 73 EAMR.esp
116 74 FriendlyRadstags.esp
117 75 Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
118 76 Some Assembly Required (Legendary Patch).esp
119 77 Nuka-World Collectable Markers.esp
120 78 Quantum Deathclaws V1.1.esp
121 79 GojiraStandard.esp
122 7a Hoodless Scribe Hat.esp
123 7b SniperDamage.esp
124 7c Killable Children.esp
125 7d Killable Children - Far Harbor.esp
126 7e Killable Children - Nuka World.esp
127 7f My_Minutemen.esp
128 80 AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp
129 81 MSCCMRD.esp
130 82 MoreStuffFromEyebot.esp
131 83 EyeBotMoreResources.esp
132 84 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
133 85 NightOfTheCreeps.esp
134 86 NoLollygagging.esp
135 87 OCDecorator.esp
136 88 OCDispenser.esp
137 89 OCDecorator - No Experience.esp
138 8a OCDecoratorDLC.esp
139 8b PAMAP.esp
140 8c SafeTrunkContentsReworked.esp
141 8d PreWarSafes.esp
142 8e Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
143 8f Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
144 90 Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
145 91 RagdollCollision.esp
146 92 ShorterNPCgreeting.esp
147 93 RepairSanctuary.esp
148 94 rings1.02.esp
149 95 ScrapDeadThings.esp
150 96 Scrap Everything - Core.esp
151 97 Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp
152 98 Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp
153 99 Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp
154 9a Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp
155 9b SettlerRenaming.esp
156 9c SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp
157 9d SilentProtagonist.esp
158 9e Skip DIMA memories.esp
159 9f BetterJunkFences.esp
160 a0 Atom Cats CPAO Patch.esp
161 a1 Special Ammo.esp
162 a2 DD_All_the_COncrete.esp
163 a3 StrongerDeathclaws.esp
164 a4 StrongerDeathclawsWeaker.esp
165 a5 Submachine Gun Stick Mag.esp
166 a6 SurvivalPoweredPump.esp
167 a7 TamingRedDeath.esp
168 a8 AK2047.esp
169 a9 M14.esp
170 aa G3.esp
171 ab LongCoatVaultSuit.esp
172 ac M2216.esp
173 ad M9.esp
174 ae Tougher Vertibirds.esp
175 af TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
176 b0 TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp
177 b1 UnlimitedFollowers.esp
178 b2 RaiderFaceVariety_2.0.esp
179 b3 VertibirdBeacon.esp
180 b4 WaterPumpDiamondCity.esp
181 b5 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
182 b6 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
183 b7 EferasShoulderBag.esp
184 b8 WeightlessStealthBoys.esp
185 b9 WhatsYourName.esp
186 ba Hide Quests From Pipboy.esp
187 bb 9mmPistol.esp
188 bc IWN Options (9mm) 1.7.esp
189 bd Grunts.esp
190 be Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
191 bf DMM - BLW - Compatibility Patch.esp
192 c0 TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp
193 c1 DarkerNights.esp
194 c2 CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp
195 c3 CommChemExpanded.esp
196 c4 SyringerAmmo_10.esp
197 c5 Commonwealth_Livestock.esp
198 c6 Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp
199 c7 Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp
200 c8 Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp
201 c9 Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp
202 ca Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp
203 cb Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp
204 cc Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp
205 cd AnotherLife.esp


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In Regards To Your Crash, Here Is What I Suspect:



Armorsmith and other framework type mods, at least for me are always loaded first, and then any mods which majorly modify world spaces or cells. Your load order is very disorganized looking. When you get to the point you are at 100 plugins or more you need to refine load order. If you are just using Loot with no custom metadata (see loot documentation about metadata linked below), and no custom sorting you are probably getting items, conflicting quests, conflicting scripts or conflicting leveled lists overwritten. In this case, it's probably got to do with a conflict between extended weapon mods, armorsmith extended, or one of the other mods that add a ton of weapon/armor items you have.


I don't know that for sure but that would be the first things I checked especially Armorsmith Extended since you have it loaded so low in the list. And also you have all DLC but no Armorsmith Extended DLC patch (it's on the Armorsmith Extended mod page under main download files). Loot Meta Data information can be found here in their official docs: http://loot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/usage/editor.html




FO4Edit Best Method For Resolving Conflicts 100%






The fastest method to find out the exact cause of the conflict is to load any mods that modify weapons armor and mods into FO4edit and right click after loading and hit select the apply filter to show conflict losers. This will show you any mod records that are not being loaded because they are being overwritten by mods lower in load order which modify the same item/record/list/cell.


The latest FO4edit, which is currently at the time of writing this version 3.2.1, can be found here in the original post from the FO4edit application team. Download the TESVedit from the above link, unpack it wherever (I usually put it in ...\steamapps\Fallout4\Tools\ so I don't forget where it is) then rename the TESVedit.exe to FO4edit.exe, and launch it. It should automatically adjust. There are several written guides on resolving conflicts, cleaning records, merging, or patching plugins on Nexus. Search for it in the Nexus search should pull up some resources. If you prefer a video tutorial here are a few that I used when learning:






Using FO4edit To Resolve Conflicts:





Cleaning with FO4edit:


Conflict Resolution and Patching in FO4edit:


Merging Plugins in FO4edit Basic:


Merging Plugins in FO4edit Advanced:





Easy Method Of Organizing Load Order:




If you need an easier or faster way to organize load order you can do it by altering Plugins.txt which should be located in the C:\Users\USER_NAME_HERE\AppData\Local\Fallout4\ directory. AppData is a hidden folder in Windows by default you will need to click "View" at the top of your explorer window and check the box marked "Hidden Items". Alternatively, you can get there by keyboard shortcut by pressing: WindowsKey+R and paste in %LocalAppData%\Fallout4\ in the run dialog box that pops up and hit ok.


When you open Plugins.txt with * in front of their names (e.g. *ArmorKeywords.esm or *ArmorsmithExtended.esp). This is the load order currently set for your mods in Fallout 4. The warning at the top says don't alter it, but it is fine to alter it. Every time you alter the load order in the game start menu or in NMM this file will change to reflect that. I personally find it a lot easier and faster to cut and paste in this file the way I want it to go.





My Load Order Category Guidelines:


Below is my general guidelines for organizing my own mod load order (Plugins.txt or drag through plugins tab in NMM). I have included numbered notes corresponding to some sections at the bottom of this post. See them for more details or examples of that type of plugin:





*Any DLC master files* (if using)

*HD Textures DLC* (if using)

*All other master files* (See Note 1)


*Gameplay Overhauls* (See Note 2)

*Most F4SE Plugins* (See Note 3)

*Most "Bugfix" Mods* (See Note 4)

*Vanilla or DLC Texture or Mesh Replacers* (See Note 5)

*Cell or Worldspace Edit Mods* (See Note 6)

*Sound Alteration Mods* (See Note 7)

*Weather and Lighting Mods * (See Note :cool:

*Radio Mods* (See Note 9)

*Food, Aid, or Consumable Additions/Alterations/Replacements* (See Note 10

*Smaller Settlement Object Mods* (See Note 11)

*Workshop Object, Crafting, or Menu Overhauls* (See Note 12)

*Body, Face, or Texture Replacer Mods for Player* (See Note 13)

*Body, Face, or Texture Replacer Mods for Companions* (See Note 14)

*Mods That Alter/Add/Replace Companions* (See Note 15)

*Mods That Alter/Add/Replace Entire Factions or NPCs* (See Note 16)

*Item Modifications Mods* (See Note17)

*Armor Mods* (See Note 18)

*Weapon Mods* (See Note 19)

*Power Armor Mods* (See Note 20)

*Creature Mods* (See Note 21)

*Pip-Boy Mods* (See Note 22)

*Map Mods* (See Note 23)

*Scrapping Mods, Light Removers, Settlement Attack, Workshop Script Altering Mods* (See Note 24)

*Anything Else The Mod Author HRecommendsomends Loading Last* (See Note 25)


Note 1: These are master files with the ".esm" extension not ".esp", they are required by many other mods as a framework usually and must load before ".esp" plugins. DO NOT change these manually, leave them in the order assigned by NMM.


Note 2: These are overhauls which are generally required by a LARGE number of mods and act as a framework by altering things like Leveled List integration, Instance Naming Rules, Naming conventions for things like sorting tags or hud info, mods which greatly alter crafting workbenches. These are basically like secondary master files (if you are using many different mods that utilize their set up). Some examples are Armorsmith Extended, Valdacil's Item Sorting, Gameplay Rebalance Mods (greatly alter damage/stats/leveling/perks). Generally, if something is referred to or required by a very large number of plugins I put it here, as there are usually compatibility patches if needed for other mods that utilize them or they are built to utilize them and thus should be loaded into the game first.


Note 3: If the mod page says it requires F4SE I usually stick it here unless author says otherwise. Generally, these plugins are blank and only to hook in the F4SE plugin DLL, and since they usually alter things like HUDs, Interfaces, Menus, Graphics, Bodies, ect... they are best loaded early IMO.


Note 4: I didn't look but if you aren't using Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch, I highly suggest you get it although it's an ".esm", master file. This section is for all other bugfixes unless stated otherwise by the author or there is a record conflict in FO4edit. These are NOT compatibility patches, they are things like Wirespark Bug Fixer, Longer Power Lines, Faster Terminal Displays, LOD fixer mods, Puddle/trash/rubble removers, ect...


Note 5: These are mods that do not alter any in-game records but only replace or alter hard assets of the original game. Examples of this type of mod are FAR, Fallout4 Seasons, Vivid Fallout, FlaconOil's HD Textures, Texture Optimization Project, Crows and Creatures, etc... these types of mods are either loose file texture/mesh replacers or empty plugins to loading ".ba2" texture archives. If you are unsure if they alter records look in Fallout4, if there is anything other than "File Header" when you open the plugin it is one of these mods or sometimes a F4SE plugin.


Note 6: There are many mods which alter cells by doing things like placing a few npcs or items somewhere, that is not what I am talking about. These are mods that overhaul, greatly alter, or add new world spaces or cells to the Fallout 4 game. Examples of this would be adventure mods like Beyond the Borders, Vault 1080, Fusion Rising, Outcasts and Remnant, 50 Ways to Die, Beantown Interiors, ect... also be very careful about the order these mods are placed in if you are using anything like this. Mods which alter a large number of world spaces may have cell edits which are totally incompatible or are unable to load until you complete the mod lowest in the order then move it to the top of this section (e.g. once you have explored all of Beantown Interiors and are ready to do all of Fusion Rising you would move it up above it if it has a conflict). This does not work in all cases.


Note 7: Sound replacers, voice alterations, music replacers, ambiance mods. Such as Radiant Birds, or Reverb and Ambience Overhaul.


Note 8: Mods that alter the weather system or change a lot of lighting or fog values, such as True Storms, Vivid Weathers, Fog Out, Radiant Clouds and Fogs, Darker Nights, Enhanced Lights and Effects. Don't load workshop light alteration mods here load them down towards the bottom of the "Settlement Objects" section.


Note 9: This one shouldn't need too much explanation, but basically anything which is like Old World Radio, More Where That Came From, WVRN, or Atomic Radio (the radio portion not Tales of the Commonwealth that should go up in the cell edits section).


Note 10: Mods which alter things that appear in the Chemistry Station or Drink Stations. Mods like Wasteland Imports, Better Cooking Stations, Agony, Choice Chopped, Wastelander's Cookbook, etc... go here.


Note 11: Mods that add individual items, decorations, posters, props, or otherwise small changes go here. Display Shelves, Functional Displays, Robot Home Defense, Settlement Turrets, Better Junk Fences, Lore Friendly Posters, All of Etheron's Modular mods (make sure you have his Master Plan ".esm" download), AutoDoors, etc...


Note 12: This section is for mods which make large numbers of edits to vanilla settlement furniture, housing, menus, etc... Some examples are Workshop Rearranged, Homemaker, Snappy House Kits, OCDecorator. The reason I put this lower here is the way these overhauls tend to offer compatibility or menu changes. You might switch this with the above category depending on what you are using. Workshop Rearranged, in particular, is an example that should go here since it has a ton of patches and replacers to fix compatibility and actually alters the structures of the menus instead of just adding its own.


Note 13: Looks Menu Customization Compendium, Commonwealth Cuts, Eyes of Beauty, CBBE, Jane Bod, Nuclear Nude, Valkyr's Face Textures, HD Face Textures, Super Hero Bodies, Enhanced Vanilla Bodies, anything that alters player appearance that isn't an armor or accessory mod. Don't put the actual "Looks Menu" mod here put it in the F4SE plugins section.


Note 14: Mods like FOFW, Nick Valentine HD Textures, Dogmeat with Floppy Ears, Dogmeat Textures, or any of the countless Piper Replacement Mods (lmao)


Note 15: Mods like Better Companions, Unlimited Companion Framework, Everyone's Best Friend, Amazing Follower Tweaks all go hear. These are mods that all alter the stats, behavior, quests, etc of companions and usually more than one.


Note 16: Mods like Raider Overhaul, We Are The Minutemen, Super Mutant Redux, Any of the "More Variety" or "More Face Mods" for things like Diamond City Guards, Raiders, Trappers, or Settlers, Better Settlers, Orphans of the Commonwealth, Diverse Children, Raider Children, and many more go here.... If it alters a ton of NPCs put it here to start with.


Note 17: Mods like See Through Scopes, Legendary Modification, Extended Weapon Mods, More Power Armor Mods, Worsin's Paint Garage, etc... go here. Anything that add object mods, or alters them basically.


Note 18: Mods that armor, clothing, or groups of those.


Note 19: Mods that add weapons, or groups of weapons.


Note 20: Mods like X-02 Power Armor, T-51c Power Armor, Tumbajumba's Power Armor, etc...


Note 21: Things which alter or add enemies or legendary encounters or add more bosses or change ghouls etc.... I usually put those here. Nightstrikers and D.E.C.A.Y. are good examples of this. Any enemy alterations to things which do not use armor or weapons or items should go here.


Note 22: Things which add Pip-Boy model or texture alterations or replacement or alter the screens or lighting etc... any of the mods that are associated with Pip-boy Customization Framework.


Note 23: Mods that change the map and especially those that add, remove, or change the functionality of the map such as increased zoom, marker locations for items, collectibles, or settlements. This would be mods like 8K Sattelite Map Mod, and Color Map Mod, and Better Visible Map with Roads. Mods which alter the Map Markers size, design, shape, or functionality should also go here, but load them BEFORE the mods that change the whole map. That is unless the author says otherwise or there are conflicts.


Note 24: Mods like All Settlements Extended, Build High, Spring Cleaning, Scrap Everything Ultimate, Scrap That, No More LOD Flicker, and Settlements Lights go here. Anything that alters vanilla scraping system or settlement boarders or placed settlement objects. Be careful about these mods because they can have some of the highest performance impacts inside of certain areas. And I really highly recommend not to enable options in any FOMod installers that disable precombined objects (PreComb), or pre-visability (PreVis). This will make games frame rates nearly unplayable even on 1080s in poorly optimized and dense areas like Downtown Boston. Unless you've got like a 1080 SLI or overclocked model without of V-Ram and Ram, I really don't recommend disabling those features (reference I have played this on both a 970 4gb and 980 6gb with 32gb of ram and both have had significant problems with those options disabled, and I have read that its really not much better on cards all the way up to stock 1080 models though result vary). If you run into memory problems with these types of mods, highly recommend installing insignificant object remover, Fogout, shadow boost, V-Sync loading screen disabler, or ENBoost (you can use any version of the ENB DLL just turn off the effects in the config and turn on the "use speed fix" option. Any combination of those may be useful in addition to tweaking INI settings or getting Optimized Texture mods. Furthermore, any mods which make alterations to Workshop Parent Script (which are usually mods that alter either the way resources are gathered or interact, or settlement raid enhancers) should go here as well. If you are going to use a V-Sync option, I highly recommend using Nvidia adaptive V-Sync option in Nvidia control panel instead (turn off the ingame V-Sync if you do this just to be certain). I know there are equivalents for AMD but I haven't owned an AMD in a long time so you're on your own there.


Note 25: Anything else that you can't get to work otherwise, or that the Author strongly recommends putting all the way at the bottom below anything else.




The above is just what has personally worked for me on a consistent basis, this is only guaranteed to work when used in conjunction with FO4edit to check for probably incompatibilities or conflicts though. So please do keep in mind there may be some alterations you have to make yourself. I see a ton of comments like this where things crash, having invisible objects, purple-black or missing textures, and are all usually symptoms of incorrect load orders. For Fallout 4, Loot is ok but I find it pretty ineffectual at getting things 100% right, especially if you use no custom metadata to help it get priorities straight.


I seriously hope this has been helpful to you or others struggling with things like this!!! :smile:

Edited by OuroborosBlack
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