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I recently uninstalled Dyndolod thinking it was giving me an memory error where my game would CTD I still get this error and I was hoping it was dyndolod and it is not. But now that I uninstalled the mod I can't get certain textures to load at a distance as I get closer they appear as they would normally but the distance Lod or whatever it is seems to not be loading these items correctly. What can I do to correct this?

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It can be that there are still some loose files in your data folder.


I checked this and it looks like it has loose files, not .bsa - added to that .exe

usualy Mod manager should remember those loose files and delete them if you delete in NMM that resource mod file (only uninstall is not enough), but you can check that and delete them manually - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59721/? there is still visible what kind of files zip contains and you can check that with your data folder.


Otherwise I don't know anything that would repair lod.

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I have another forum saying there's a ini. line to load the whole map. I

; Info: When the game fails to create texture in memory should we display a warning and exit game? Recommended yes because you will
; see purple textures couple of seconds and then the game will crash anyway since it's not expected for this to be a NULL value.
Is what I found in the time of writing this. It explains my problem perfectly is this something I"m looking for?
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