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Creation Kit - Voice Holotapes / Audio Logs?

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I'm wondering on how to make custom holotapes that play recorded spoken audio, like the one you receive from your spouse after you leave vault 111. So dialogue working pretty much the same as it does in regularly, with subtitles and the little breaks between each chunk of spoken word, but from a holotape.


I'm surprised that there doesn't seem to be any tutorials on this as it seems like a pretty basic thing people would want to know for their mods. The few tutorials I've found closest to this deal with adding playable music tapes which don't include subtitles and also edit the vanilla Fallout 4 holotapes quest which, by my understanding of modding anyway, seems like a bad idea since it's making an edit to a vanilla record which I'm pretty sure increases the chance of conflicts with other mods.


Any ideas?


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