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ENB Injector Query


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Is it possible to get the ENB injector to run automatically before I start FNV?

Basically, tried the Wrapper version install, causes game to crash on startup. Installed and followed some advice on Injector, the ENB now functions. But the same advice says I have to run the Injector before each game- I'd rather not do this.


I'm using the Overgrowth ENB on Windows 10, and using NMM.


Any advice on how to make the Wrapper version usable, or setting the Injector to function automatically? Playing it makes it tell me to 'write target process name' to it's .ini, I have no idea how to do this...

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To ensure the Injector version runs before FNV itself, use a "batch file". Put the ENB Injector command on one line, followed by your usual FNV command on another. Then create a link to the "batch file" and use that to start your game thereafter. You will probably have to add the "batch file" to NMM as an addon tool. (Don't use NMM myself, so you will have to look that up.)


The "target process name" for FNV is "FalloutNV.exe". This is what appears in the "Process List" of the "Task Manager" when the game is running.


I have gotten the wrapper version to work on a Win7 system, which means the problem is not with the game itself. Getting the wrapper version to run on your system will depend upon the exact error message you are getting when it crashes. There should be a "Windows Eventlog" entry when that happens. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki "How to read most Bethesda game error logs" article.


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I know jack-all about computers or programming...I'll find a tutorial on batch files and how to make them work...to clarify, I just need to tell it to run the Injector, then run the FNV run command (pretty sure that should be NVSE for me)


Okay, how would I write the 'target process name' to the injector? That's the part I'm stuck on- the only option available on the little screen that pops up upon running the injector is 'hide to tray'.


Here's the error info I got:


Faulting application name: FalloutNV.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e0d50ed
Faulting module name: d3d9.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x559e682d
Exception code: 0xc000001d
Fault offset: 0x007ff001
Faulting process id: 0xd68
Faulting application start time: 0x01d3416a5e638b65
Faulting application path: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe
Faulting module path: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\d3d9.dll
Report Id: 540858b7-ddea-437d-a5be-c868916a7164
Faulting package full name:

Faulting package-relative application ID:


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If you are going to play modded games on your computer, then you are going to have to learn more than you ever wanted to know about them. Might as well start now. Fortunately for you, the internet is chock full of the basic information.

The "Error message" is indicating the "D3D9.DLL" file from the ENB Wrapper version is "corrupt" (Exception code: 0xc000001d). Which most likely means it is not compatible with your version of Windows (I'm guessing Win10, which got much more finicky about requiring "signed" DLLs). The author of ENB is not supporting Win10 last I knew, so no help there.

Found the following about the Injector version:

* First of all, and this is important, delete d3d9.dll from the game folder so that the wrapper version is not used.

* Copy contents of the ENB InjectorVersion folder to your <game> folder, then all the stuff from the <preset> package, overwriting when asked.

* Edit the "enbinjector.ini" (which should be located in the same folder as the game EXE file) with a plaintext editor like Notepad, so that it includes this:


* Run "ENBInjector.exe", then the game.

That is an example of how to add more than one process you need ENB to recognize. You only have to have the "ProcessName0=<game>.exe" line at a minimum.



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In the original example I found (for Skyrim) they were for the "SKSE" ("Skyrim Script Extender"; which would be NVSE for FNV) and "tesv.exe", in that order. I'm not familiar with Skyrim but apparently "tesv.exe" is the equivalent of the FNV4GB loader for FNV. If you use the "FNV 4GB Patcher" instead, you won't need that last process.



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So, despite reinstalling and starting the .exe's directly, I can't get the ENB to work. I'm giving up.




Trying to reinstall makes my computer give up on 'Fallout New Vegas' for some reason, saying the file is open in another program. It isn't.

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When you get a message like "the file is open in another program", time to reboot. That should always "close" any open file locks (which is what that message is really indicating). If it doesn't, then ask again as there are some more complex ways to determine which program has it "open".



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Reinstalling worked on reboot.


Started up once, seemed to work fine, closed.

Started up again, the text that should appear in the upper left corner no longer appears and ENB no longer works (graphics are back to the original). Is there a reason it only works once? I'm now very confused...


AA and AF, water and shadows, are all disabled.

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