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[LE] (Help) How to edit vanilla spells


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Ok so recently I thought I'd try to use the creation kit to edit some vanilla spells in skyrim, specifically illusion and conjuration spells.


What I want to be able to do is make it so spells like "fury" and "raise zombie" no longer have a projectile effect to them, just point at a target, cast the spell, and have the target immediately be affected.



There is already a mod on nexus called "Targeted Illusion" that does this, but I wanted to know how to do it myself so I can make my own personal mod that effects some conjuration spells too.



I've tried editing the vanilla spells myself, but the two boxes that effect what I want to change are grayed out and can't be changed. I tried looking around on the internet, but unfortunately no luck there.


So if anyone knows how this can be done I would really appreciate the help.



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I don't know whether doing this would actually change the spell to instant effect or not, but what you want is to look at the magic effect associated with the spell. The effect name (not the editor ID) is listed in the spell form, so you may need to go through the likely magic effects and look at the name itself, to make sure you're changing the right one, but that's where you can change things like projectiles, sounds, whether it affects health, magicka, etc. Best bet is to look at it side by side, with a spell that has the effects you want (or close) so you can make the appropriate tweaks.

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Im not completely certain, but go into the Magic Effect of the spell you wish to Edit (dont forget to duplicate first as to not edit vanilla records) then look at Projectile, remember the name or write it down.


Then on the left in CK should be a list, find Projectile and find the name you remembered or wrote down and in there I think you want to change speed, type of projectile and so on.

For instant hit youll want the same type as telekenisis.


Im sorry I cant give more information than this, its just what I came up with, again. im not sure this is the right route.


Good luck!

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Ok so here's what I've got so far. The spell I've been testing with is the illusion spell ( calm ) When editing the spell there were two effects, the first is called (Charm - Master of the Mind - Aggression) (#1) And the second is called (Calm : Aggression) (#2)


When editing the first effect (#1), it has the magic effect called (PerkMasterMindAggDownFFAimed) The second effect (#2) had the magic effect (InfluenceAggDownFFAimed) So what I did was duplicate these two effects, edited the copies so the delivery option was set to target actor instead of aimed, renamed the copies so they read (PerkMasterMindAggDownFFTarget) and (InfluenceAggDownFFTarget). I figured that all that was left to do now was go to the original spell, edit the effects, and replace the magic effects there with the newly edited copies... and this is where I'm encountering a problem.


When I edited the first effect (#1), I go to the magic effects list there and am able to select the new copy I made. But when I try to do the same with the second effect (#2), I find that the copy I made for it isn't showing up on the list at all. I did the same process for both copies, but only one of them worked. So either there's a step in the process that I'm missing, or there's something wrong with the creation kit.


Any ideas?

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