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Invisible Custom Armor


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Ok, ran into a bit of a snag recently, and I'm stumped on this. I downloaded/installed the mod 'Combat Armor Vests Non-replacer' by PaulImposteur a few months ago. Since then, I replaced his armor with the Modern Firearms DTO Vests via the Creation Kit and also added the Armplate and leg armor pieces as well, pretty basic, just kept it simple. Worked perfectly, had no issues until recently the vests went invisible when equipped. First, it was the black vest that went invisible, the others (desert, urban, OD Green), still showed up just fine. But today, I tried to go into the CK to figure out the problem, couldnt see anything that would cause it, armor models/textures look good and visible in the CK. return to the game, ALL vests went invisible, but the Armplates and Leg armors still work fine, which are in the same folder so it shouldn't be a directory issue. The other weird part is when I go to equip them, I can equip all of them at the same time despite they are flagged for the Armor Torso slot (41). I'm stumped on this and dont understand what could've changed to make this happen...

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