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Animation bug?


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I've encountered a problem while trying to use the YY Anim Replacer - Zewihander pack, It says there's an optional animation where you continue to run with the 2H weapon on your shoulders and I'm trying to use that instead of the animation where it looks like you're just lugging it around on your side.


The problem however, It says:


NMM ready package.
2hm_sprintforwardsword_D1.HkX is an optional file. Remove "_D1" when you use.

I have removed the _D1 from the file and removed the original 2h_sprintforwardsword.HkX file, but it uses the vanilla animations instead. I'm not sure what's wrong, maybe I did something wrong? It's a little vague for me so I can't quite figure it out here.


Any help would be appreciated, I like these animations and reminds me of how cool greatswords were in dark souls, I wanted a similar vibe from those games in skyrim and it just doesn't want to cooperate.


Thanks in advanced!


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"YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander" is an animation REPLACER, as the name suggests. If you don't install it where it belongs then of course you will see the vanilla animations.


You have to KNOW where animations have to be. The animations that "YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander" replaces are unisex, and are therefore placed into the "character\animations" folder. But in there they are used for both male and female. If you, for example, use the female YY version, and you want to apply them to females only, then you have to put them into a (new) folder "character\animations\female". But then you must not forget to run FNIS with the GENDER patch.

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I have them installed in the correct files and everything works just fine, It's just the optional running animation doesn't seem to work despite me following the instructions to use it. I'm using the male version and have everything set up exactly how you said, it just refuses to use the optional animation and uses the vanilla skyrim ones which look really awkward.

Edited by DesignDemon
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If you want help with a problem then I recommend that you say EXACTLY what you did. It doesn't help to hear that you were "following the instructions" or that you do something "exactly how you said".


It's a fact that you messed something up. Otherwise it WOULD work.

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Well I managed to fix it, apparently reinstalling it a few times got it going. Sorry for wasting your time on that part, but it looks like it opened a new problem. Zweihander has a bit of a problem where your sprinting has no sound effect, I browsed for awhile looking for a fix but it seems like the links the creator offered are not longer valid?


Is there still a fix available or is it just a broken mod now?

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