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Not Quite CTD (Black Screen/Window)


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So I've started encountering a weird issue, and I'm hoping someone might be able to give me an idea where I should start looking for a culprit.


While I suspect it may be mod related to some degree, the issue is a weird one, because I'm not getting proper crashes to desktop, freezes, stuttering etc. like I normally would with a bad mod combination.


Instead what happens is that sometimes, for no obvious cause that I can find, Skyrim will go black, the hint of a window will appear in the top left corner, and then it will either recover after a few seconds or crash as normal.


I'm running Skyrim through Mod Organizer, with ENBoost (fixes only) and SKSE; since this doesn't seem like normal behaviour for Skyrim itself I'm assuming one of these is responsible for the odd black-screen-that-might-recover behaviour, so I'm hoping that if someone knows then this will help me narrow down the cause a bit. For example, if it's SKSE then it would be more likely to be script-related, so I could try to figure out what scripts might be misbehaving when the sort-of-crashes occur.


That said, sometimes (very rarely) this sort-of-crash occurs after a graphical glitch such as textures appearing screwy; this is usually when Skyrim will recover and I can continue playing quite happily. So perhaps it's ENBoost related?


So yeah, like I say, I'm hoping this odd behaviour might narrow down where the errors are occurring so I have a better idea of what mods or settings I might look into.


I should note, in the past I've run Skyrim through Nexus Mod Manager, using basically the same set of mods (I haven't changed much, and what I have changed seems pretty minor) and I never experienced anything like this. If a mod misbehaved I'd just get the usually CTD or the game would lock-up until I used task manager to close it.


It's weird, as I have mods like Immersive Patrols and Immersive Creatures, which can together result in some huge battles (four or five dozen NPCs fighting simultaneously as Empire vs. Stormcloaks gets mixed up with warring Goblin tribes, and usually a dragon attacks for good measure) and the game will remain totally smooth, but enter a cell near Windhelm and I get this weird sort-of-crash. And no, it's not always Windhelm and it doesn't always happen, so not fun to diagnose!

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I understand Mod Organizer uses a virtual install directory, I wonder if potentially the game is struggling to constantly read from this directory, is your storage drive fairly decent and fast? Just guessing here but that's the main difference between NMM and MO.


Although I will say what I say to everyone, deactivate all the mods in MO and then reactivate them back in one by one until you experience problems again. I know its not an easy answer but this method has solved all my previous crashing issues one way or another.

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I'm running from a good SSD (Samsung 850 EVO with 550mb/read speed) so load-times shouldn't be an issue. It's an odd occurrence because it doesn't always happen when something should clearly be getting loaded, e.g- it can happen indoors with small numbers of NPCs nearby.


I guess I may have to do it the hard way, I was just hoping it might indicate a possible cause or type of cause, as I have just shy of 200 mods installed. Like I say though, none are mods I've never used before, but I've ported over manually from Nexus Mod Manager. Basically I used my NMM folder of mods and just reinstalled everything fresh from the Nexus with a few tweaks for MO (e.g- installing all patches then disabling ones I don't currently need under optional ESPs).


The game does run smoothly for the most part, it just randomly does this, but there's very little consistency to when it does it which is the bewildering part; if it were always at the same place or doing the same thing(s) it be so much easier to track down :(

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Ah so hardware isn't an issue then. Yeah it sounds like a strange issue have you tried using SKSE and the memory patch ? That solved a lot of random crashing issues for me, I think at the end of the day the game is using a 32bit engine and has its limitations and you may have hit it.

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