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Infinite loading screen, need help


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I'm pretty much out of ideas to make this stop. The infinite loading screen happens about once every 1h30 minutes. I'll tell you what I did so far


- Did the SKSE extra memory block thingy

- crash fix is installed

- load order is made by loot

- master files are all clean


Here's my enblocal.ini. playing with a 4gb card on a 1440p res


ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false (been recommended to do so on several occasion)


I dont have a bash patch. i figure i didnt need it since ive skyproc. can do so if you tell me its still needed


Mod list:



I've Skyrim HD but using the 1k textures

I've SFO 1,71


If you need anything more, ill oblige

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Is SKSE and the ini memory patch installed correctly? Have you tried running without the enb? Your using a lot of mods and may simply be maxing out the game engines limitations after a period of time. The original Skyrim is no where near as stable as the Special Edition imo due to its 64bit engine, I had a lot of issues with crashing running a lot of mods, but haven't had one in Skyrim SE.


The more heavy script mods you use the worse your game is going to perform. Do you carefully add one mod at a time comparing features and compatibility or just blindly add loads at once like most?


But that might not be your issue, I would remove mods and add them back in slowly seeing if you can get over that 1h 30 mark.

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