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Warning: Plugin appears corrupt

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So I made a new settlement mod in the Airport.
I went to edit it and I don't see it in the master files. Like when you load FO4 and the plugin you want to work on in the creation kit.
Anyway, then I checked NexusModManager plugins and my mos says Warning: Plugin appears corrupt.
I've made it twice now and this has happened each time.
I just made a random mod not at the Airport and it worked fine.
Is there something about the Airport?

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  • 2 months later...

No, it happened to me too--twice--in Far Harbor at the Visitor's Center. I'm ready to pull my hair out. It happens when the CK locks up with the file loaded. Or at least that's when it happened to me. What I want to know is there some way to fix it? I'm pretty sure I know the answer--but I have to ask. I've put hours into this mod. If I have to start over again I'll commit hara kiri.

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Looks like you were responding to a necropost, by hopefully this help you or someone else who finds it in a search....


The CK will backup the last 10 saves of an .esp. Look in the Backup directory of your FO4 game folder. The backups will be named:





...up through *.esp.9.bak


Copy the one you want to try and use, paste it to your Data folder and remove everything after the file extension (".9.bak" for example). Then load into the CK and keep working provided the backup(s) aren't borked.


I've made it a habit to manually make a backup to a folder outside my game folder every couple of hours and every time I'm done with a modding session. You can also use the File History feature of Windows 10 to backup to an external drive on a scheduled basis. That's saved my bacon more than once.

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Thank you--I didn't think the post was that old--only a couple of months. Anyway, I did find this info out myself--came back to post for anyone who might need the info. My mod was in the backup folder and it's healthy. I didn't lose that much work, thank God. I will most definitely be backing it up more frequently on my external drive. I just get so lost in the work!


Thanks again.

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