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A mod to add immersion to NPCs who sent hired thugs


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Hi, Ive been searching the internet for a mod that rectifies the error skyrim left behind. When you kill those hired thugs, loot their corpses and read the contract where the name of that NPC who hired them is mentioned(like Belethor), and you go to them and they talk with you casually, and even you don't have the dialogue option to talk about the thugs. Well, is there a mod that will give you a dialogue option that can initiate combat or make them cower, or even the option to present it to a guard and throw him/her in prison? Because Belethor's sent to "teach me a lesson" 6 times already, and it feels awkward when I stand next to him and he greets me as if nothing's ever happened. Is this mod not out because its impossible to make or am I missing something?
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