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Xanthys' dialogue options are...gone.


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I've downloaded Xanthys the Pyromancer and I really really like him and feel...save :blush: . But at some random (I think) point of the game, I can't talk to him anymore. I only can press the "E"-Button, and he asks what he can do (without undertitles) but then...no dialogue options are showing up. The only thing that worked against this is loading an older game, and playing everything again...but, as you can imagine, it isn't really fun to do this again and again... :rolleyes:

The last time that this happened was when I asked him to sell some things for me...he was away, came back, did'nt hand me some gold and then there was no way to talk to him.


Is there anyone who had the same problems or knows how to fix this?


I hope I haven't missed any other thread with the same problem! Thank you :smile:


EDIT: I've also noticed that he won't follow me (normal and fast travelling).

Edited by MewMewPowPow
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