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Cant join Thieves Guild


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I need some help with the thieves guild (I play PS3, level 55, around 180 hours)


I was walking around Riften, months ago, and a thief showed up, so I shot at him with my bow. I accidentally hit Brand-Shei and he died instantly, and I lost Madesi's ring a long time ago as well. I was so stupid! Now when I try to talk to Brynjolf he simply tells me to get back to my quest for him. I've tried unrelenting forcing him and trying to make him follow me to the Ragged Flaggon to talk to him, but he wont follow me through the door of the Ratway. Im walking around with 18 of the unusual gems, and its taking up space in my inventory. Is there any way I can at least get rid of the gems?

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Console commands seem to be your only option here.


Here is a list of console commands. The stuff listed around setstage is probably what you need. Read these carefully.



Here is the specific quest giving you problems. It has the various stages listed to ease of referrence.


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I can tell you you cant get rid of your "Unusual Gems" yet unless you get all 24 of them.

And quest items don't weigh anything they will have a weight number on them but if they are a quest item it will weigh 0.


I suggest you take a look at some wikia's and see if anything will resolve your problems




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