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Unique Thane Rewards


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One of my smaller disappointments in Skyrim so far has been how underwhelming being named a Thane is. True, the Jarl does inform you that the title is largely honorary, but by the same token I am beyond certain that no other Thane in their hold had done anywhere near as much for them as I had. Most, it seems, merely bought their title. Yet, I who earned it am gifted with a magical axe that resembles all other magical axes? A shield that looks identical to the shields the guards carry? How are these supposed to serve as signs of my status when even I couldn't tell there was anything unique about them if I wasn't carrying them?


So, small vanity, but if anyone is willing to throw it together, it would be wonderful if the items you were given at least had unique appearances to go with them. Not necessarily more powerful, just unique looking. Something you can actually feel proud to put on display in your home or carry with you into battle.

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I'm pretty sure the 'letting the guards know you're not part of the common rabble' is mostly just for the one time like, 3000g bounty forgiveness you can get in the hold for being thane.


that being said, I agree 100% lol If someone focused on just this it shouldn't be a big deal to make a manually leveled list for it.


Edit: oh nm you said unique appearance. A unique texture maybe reasonable, but Unique model is a serious unbelievable pain in the arse. A unique model so you can get a warm fuzzy about your thaneship in dawnstar might be a bit much lol. Some added guard dialog and a weapon with a backstory may serve your purpose better :D

Edited by SinderionsBones
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I'm pretty sure the 'letting the guards know you're not part of the common rabble' is mostly just for the one time like, 3000g bounty forgiveness you can get in the hold for being thane.


that being said, I agree 100% lol If someone focused on just this it shouldn't be a big deal to make a manually leveled list for it.


Edit: oh nm you said unique appearance. A unique texture maybe reasonable, but Unique model is a serious unbelievable pain in the arse. A unique model so you can get a warm fuzzy about your thaneship in dawnstar might be a bit much lol. Some added guard dialog and a weapon with a backstory may serve your purpose better :D


Unique texture was more or less what I was talking about. Not that I'd raise any objections to a unique model for each one, but even a basic superficial difference would be something. It just depresses me to stick the Shield of Solitude in a place of honor on my wall, only to later find myself wondering why I've got some random guard shield up there.


"Oh, right, that's the symbol of my worth to the Jarl. A shield. That looks like all the shields the guards carry... y'know, now that I think about it, she said she got that out of her personal armory too, but I've been all over the Blue Palace and there isn't anything like an armory in there. She just had her court wizard throw an enchantment on a guards shield while I wasn't looking, didn't she?"

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Frankly id like to see something more than just a simple re-texturing of some random item with a slightly different name given to me. The position of Thane (Thegn) depending on what time period your looking into can mean a few different things. A Soldier, an Administrator, and a Knight (late period). So instead of being given some vendor trash id rather be given something of more worth. Such as extensive quest chains, or control over an aspect of the town or land to develop.


I do realize that extensive work would need to be done of which i have no hope of ever seeing, due to the simple fact that 95% of this games modding community seems to be 12yr old brats hitting puberty. But on that off chance of 1.06%, here are a couple suggestions.


(1) extensive quest chains

- Rewards such as special home improvements or a better house to move into(Whiterun in mind) or even a unique set of gear you cant other-wise obtain.

(2) Administration and/or Knight capacity

- I'll use Whiterun here as an example. The city is basically falling apart, so why not use some of that massive amount of gold you gather and have no use for later on in your leveling to rebuild the town walls. Which could have a large difference in the battle for Whiterun.

- Land-management quest or conspiracy quest such as evicting the Battleborn and taking they're holdings for yourself.

- Having an honored title and position should also give some weight to your voiced opinions, and thus hold sway with the Jarl when picking what side to support.

(3) War time operations.

- Though this would actually be given to the Housecarl, the Thane could be given the task of leading the towns forces into the opposition in the war. (attacking imperials/stormcloaks)

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(1) extensive quest chains

- Rewards such as special home improvements or a better house to move into(Whiterun in mind) or even a unique set of gear you cant other-wise obtain.

(2) Administration and/or Knight capacity

- I'll use Whiterun here as an example. The city is basically falling apart, so why not use some of that massive amount of gold you gather and have no use for later on in your leveling to rebuild the town walls. Which could have a large difference in the battle for Whiterun.

- Land-management quest or conspiracy quest such as evicting the Battleborn and taking they're holdings for yourself.

- Having an honored title and position should also give some weight to your voiced opinions, and thus hold sway with the Jarl when picking what side to support.




Some of us are working on just that. With my track record, however, there's a good chance I'll never finish it though. I was working on a dawnstar version of something similar, but have since gotten somewhat bored, started a new mod, got bored of that, and partway through another.


Have at it. If you're not part of the 12 yr old crowd that is. :P

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Hm... With nine holds but only 8 vanilla equipment slots you'd end up with a spare reward if we go for a complete set unless we have it as a bow and two other holds give a sword and a shield.


How about this:

  • Necklace of Winterhold
  • Bow of Falkreath (For the hunting)
  • Shield of Solitude (Just change the texture a little to make it special)
  • Helmet of Windhelm (Maybe replica Dragon Crown?)
  • Ring of Riften (Sneak enchantments?)
  • Armor of Markarth (Made of silver)
  • Gauntlets of... Dawnstar?
  • Boots of Morthal?
  • Axe of Whiterun

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Hm... With nine holds but only 8 vanilla equipment slots you'd end up with a spare reward if we go for a complete set unless we have it as a bow and two other holds give a sword and a shield.


How about this:

  • Necklace of Winterhold
  • Bow of Falkreath (For the hunting)
  • Shield of Solitude (Just change the texture a little to make it special)
  • Helmet of Windhelm (Maybe replica Dragon Crown?)
  • Ring of Riften (Sneak enchantments?)
  • Armor of Markarth (Made of silver)
  • Gauntlets of... Dawnstar?
  • Boots of Morthal?
  • Axe of Whiterun


Oh, I like that. Would be nice if the equipment gave you some kind of benefit for wearing it as a set too, ala Nightingale Armor. "True Thane" or some such.


Though, for that to work the Axe of Whiterun would have to be a one-handed weapon instead of it's typical two-handed form.

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  • 1 year later...

I would like to see something more,like a unique armor from each Jarl with the crest of each hold on the armor.Also about the weapons i think its easy cause if you see there a bunch of weapon mods, surely someone can make unique Thane weapons.

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