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I have 109 hours in so far, and have only seen 1 dragon. That's because i refuse to start the main quest for some reason, so i could see this being for me. Sounds like a lot of work though!


You can try Immediate Dragons, it makes them spawn regardless of the MQ. Also, Alternate STart - Live Another Life, and Alternate Starting Factions both let you start and not be the Damnimbored. I tried combining Immediate Dragons with the alternate starts and it worked fine.

Edited by dainsgames
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  • 2 years later...

Things I would like to see:


More gray area. Most obviously not having to choose a side in the war or taking a point between Dawnguard and the Vampires, but also smaller things. For example, the Riverwood quest with Faendal, Sven, and Camilla. Why can't I tell Camilla that both of the guys courting her are trying to manipulate her into choosing one over the other? Little stuff like that.


I'd like to be able to dismantle the thieves guild. I'd like more for dismantling the Dark Brotherhood. (If it were as easy as slaughtering everyone in the sanctuary, why has it not happened yet? I'd expect to have to clear more sanctuaries and still see scattered members of the DB coming back to try to kill me.)


I would like to be able to kill important quest characters and have it just tell me the quest was failed.


I would like to see a shout skill tree if you are not Dragonborn. Each shout skill has three levels to it and you spend points to unlock shouts. I think this would be a suitable way to depict the years of training many Nords go through to learn shouts.


I would like to be able to dismantle the Thalmor.


What would be interesting is if I could decide to take a third side in the war supporting a different Jarl becoming high king. (Maybe even side with Stormcloaks but kill Ulfric in favor of someone significantly less racist.) Maybe even become high king yourself.

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Dovakiin as an NPC, however, I don't think I've ever heard mentioned :D You'd have to be a pretty dedicated roleplayer not to get some feelings of being on the outside looking in from that part though. I'm pretty sure if I heard the dovakiin around I'd feel the need to load another game where I was the dragonborn and slay some dagrons lol.

This gives me an idea. There could be a dynamic where Dovahkiin's skill is really just slaying dragons so they have to rely on the skills of another—the player character—to accomplish the primary goal. The player character is just an average thief/mage/soldier/whatever you want to be but still plays a major role in the defeat of Alduin.

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