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Force cell reset script!


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In the very title of a thread nonetheless :psyduck:


BTW, in Skyrim the whole reset thing works a lil bit different than before i think.


In Oblivion, everything was dependent on the "respawn" flag. If a container had that flag on, it would respawn every 3 days. So every container on player house cells was carefully put as no respawn.


In Skyrim, it depends first on the reset status of the cell. If the entire cell is set to never reset in the Encounter Zone section, it will never reset, not even containers that have the respawn flag.


For example, i have been using the barrels in Honeyside for storage since the beginning, yet they have the respawn flag. They do not so because the entire cell is set as never reset.


So resetting a player house cell isnt the brightest thing to do, you'd get massive complaints of lost items.

Edited by eltucu
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  • 5 months later...

Hello @ All


I need some Help 4 my Mod,

I build a House with 5 Cell´s , now i want that the Food in cell2 (the Kitchen) respawns like in a dungeon.

but i have no idea how it works...


i tried to make a lever to set the cell to finish state ( Cells reset when: the player leaves a location after clearing it )


scriptName aa_n3o_LocationAbschliessen extends ObjectReference
{Setzt den Status der zelle bei benutzung auf "Abgeschlossen"}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference obj)


The cell is after activate the lever markt as "Finished". i wait 3 months (without enter the cell ) after this time period i visit the cell, but nothing... no reset.. =(


can everyone help me pls ?




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